Tuesday, November 17, 2009

not very good at blogging!

hello again, well after my bright spark idea to start a blog, i have not bothered to post again! im kinda slack with things like this! i never even kept a regular diary when i was a teen!

I guess its because nothing much ever happens to me i just dawdle along in life! I have not really scraqpped much lately, BUT>>>>>>

My lovely hubby bought Adobe Photoshop! woohoo and i am learning how to use it slowly! I have been wanting this program for AGES, but i never told him, because i thought i was too expensive for him to buy, but it turns out that he wanted it too! lucky me!

this is my first go at it...

this is one of my best friends - Rachel, after my wedding, she was one of the bridesmaids!

well thats about it for now!
