Saturday, October 10, 2009

I decided to start a blog

well, I have just decided to start a blog, not sure why, but I am told all the cool kids are doing it, and I so desperately want to be a cool kid! hahaha I don't even know what i am going to type about, but hopefully it will be interesting enough to get a few readers!
Today.... Today was a pretty full on day! i was up till 2.30am last night reading The Davinci Code, and so i thought i might get a bit of a sleep in this morning, but it wasn't to be! at 8am there was a knock on the door, so I stumbled to answer it, in my PJ's and hair everywhere, and it was the grocery's i had ordered online, 5 mins and my shopping was done! it was awesome, this is how i am going to be doing my shopping from now on, and it only cost $9 to deliver, well worth it! I then put all the shopping away, and tried to go back to sleep, but sadly i could not! so i got up, got dressed and proceeded to sweep and mop my floors, after that was done, i drove down to the train station and picked up my 'Aunty' Vicky and her daughter Caitlin, we had arranged for them to come up today, so i could teach Caitlin some basic scrapbooking stuff, and as she has a birthday coming up, we made nearly 40 invitations for her to give to all her friends! It was alot of fun, and i think my Aunty enjoyed it more than Caitlin did! I think I may have converted her to a scrapbooker! hehehe. I r
eally enjoyed the day as well! I just love creating, it just makes me feel so good!

just popped a few photos of Caitlin and Aunty Vicky from the day!

Caitlin very proudly showing me her handy work, blue with spiders for boys and pink with butterflys for girls!

Aunty Vicky helping Caitlin operate the cuttlebug, they were amazed how awesome it is!

Well i think that's about it for now! hopefully i will update again soon.....